Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Assembly Source File
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ttl "KISS - raw TNC handler"
* KISS - a SLIP handler for the TAPR TNC1
* Written by Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE
* March 1987
* Modified by Gerard J Vandergrinten, PA0GRI.
* Sept 1987
* Copyright 1987 by Marc Kaufman, WB6ECE
* All rights reserved
* Permission granted for noncommercial copying and use
* provided this notice is retained.
* Correction History:
* 4/17/87 - mtk: Initial Release (1.0)
* 4/19/87 - mtk: Improve handling of timer values that are a
* multiple of 65536 E-clock ticks
* 4/30/87 - mtk: Correct error in format of TNC->Host block
* by stuffing '0' before data
* 8/10/87 - gjv: Make selfstart rom version,
* Add FEND on start of frame,
* Move initialized data to easy modifyable place.
* 8/25/87 - gjv: Fix hdlc xmit state hfcs to complement
* data to hdlc chip.
* 12/14/87 - mtk: Receive block sometimes was prefixed by a garbage
* byte. Don't start-stop the receiver, exept when
* shifting into transmit mode.
* 12/22/87 - gjv: Use second ram from tnc-1 if there. (more bufferring)
* 12/22/87 - gjv: Fix command scanner for FESC sequences.
* Refer to Phil Karn's description of KISS for details
* The following frame types (Host to TNC) are supported:
* 0 Data - data frame to HDLC channel
* 1 TXDelay - 0 <= TXDelay <= 255 (* 10 ms.)
* 2 Peristence - 255 -> transmit now
* 3 SlotTime - 0 <= SlotTime <= 255 (* 10 ms.)
* 4 TXTail - 0 <= TXTail <= 255 (* 10 ms.)
* 5 HDX/FDX - 0 = HDX, 1 = FDX
* 6 Speed - 0 < Speed <= 24 (slow TNC)
* - 128+0 < Speed <= 128+48 (fast TNC)
* The Speed parameter sets the HDLC baud rate to (Speed*300) baud.
* The high order bit (128), if set, indicates that the TNC1 is
* running with a 2x clock. Maximum baud rates are 7200 for the slow
* TNC, and 14400 for the fast TNC.
* The following frame types (TNC to Host) are supported:
* 0 Data - data frame from HDLC channel
* The normal idle state for the async receiver is "waiting for command"
* after the trailing FEND from the previous packet.
* Hardware addresses
*** 6551 UART setup with speed from $f801
acia equ $2010 base address
acchar equ acia
acstat equ acia+1
accmnd equ acia+2
acctrl equ acia+3
as_fram equ $02 framing error only
as_err equ $07 parity, framing, and overrun errors
as_rdr equ $08 receive data register full
as_xmt equ $10 xmit data register empty
as_irq equ $80 acia interrupt request
ac_dis equ $0a disable transmitter and receiver, set RTS
ac_enb equ $09 enable receiver interrupts, set RTS
ac_xmt equ $05 enable transmit and receive interrupts
*** 6520 parallel i/o chip -- not used
pia equ $2020 base address
pra equ pia register A
pcra equ pia+1 control A
prb equ pia+2 register B
pcrb equ pia+3 control B
*** 6522 peripheral timer and i/o chip
via equ $2040 base address
vorb equ via output register B
vora equ via+15 output register A, no handshake
vddrb equ via+2 data direction register B
vddra equ via+3 data direction register A
vtim1cl equ via+4 low byte of timer 1 counter
vtim1ch equ via+5 high byte of timer 1 counter
vtim1ll equ via+6 low byte of timer 1 latch
vtim1lh equ via+7 high byte of timer 1 latch
vtim2l equ via+8 low byte of timer 2
vtim2h equ via+9 high byte of timer 2
vacr equ via+11 auxiliary control register
vpcr equ via+12 peripheral control register
vifr equ via+13 interrupt flag register
vier equ via+14 interrupt enable register
timrc1 equ vtim1cl both bytes of timer 1 counter
timrl1 equ vtim1ll both bytes of timer 1 latch
timer2 equ vtim2l both bytes of timer2 (counter and latch)
v_int equ $20 timer2 interrupt bit (clear enable)
vs_int equ $a0 timer2 interrupt bit (set enable)
h_reset equ $ec reset HDLC chip (via vpcr)
h_oper equ $ee operate HDLC chip (via vpcr)
t_cntl equ $c0 timer1=free run, timer2=interval, sr=off
*** WD 1933 HDLC chip equates
*** IMPORTANT: this chip inverts Address and Data bits!!!
hdlc equ $2800 base address
hcr1 equ hdlc+7 control register 1
hcr2 equ hdlc+6 control register 2
hcr3 equ hdlc+5 control register 3
hrhr equ hdlc+4 receive holding register
hthr equ hdlc+3 transmit holding register
hir equ hdlc+3 interrupt register
hsr equ hdlc+2 status register
fflags equ $01 cr2 - send flags between frames
actrcv equ $80 activate receiver
actran equ $40 activate transmitter
actdtr equ $02 turn on DTR
actptt equ $01 activate PTT line (misc. out)
txon equ actran+actdtr+actptt preamble and data transmission
rcvon equ actrcv+actdtr receiving
h_data equ $00+txon Transmit commands
h_abort equ $10+txon
h_flag equ $20+txon
h_fcs equ $30+txon (sends fcs + flag)
h_MASK equ $cf
reom equ $80 intreg - receive complete with no error
reomerr equ $40 intreg - receive with error
xcom equ $20 intreg - xmt command complete
xcomerr equ $10 intreg - xmt error (underrun)
dscchg equ $08 intreg - CD line state change
drqi equ $04 intreg - input character available
drqo equ $02 intreg - output character needed
intrq equ $01 intreg - set if any of bits 3-7 are new
CD equ $40 status - location of CD state bit
ram0 equ $0000 bank 0 ram ($0000 - $1fff)
ram0end equ ram0+8191 top of bank 0 ram
ram1 equ $4000 bank 1 ram ($4000 - $5fff)
ram1end equ ram1+8191 top of bank 1 ram
rom equ $e000 top rom ($e000 - $ffff)
FEND equ @300 frame end
FESC equ @333 frame escape
TFEND equ @334 transposed frame end
TFESC equ @335 transposed frame escape
CCZ equ $04 zero flag in CC
CCNZ equ $fb non-zero flag in CC
NOT equ $ff for negations
stack equ $100 my stack is above debug stack
org $100 local data starts at direct page 1
*** Local Variables initialized from rom by startup code
p_speed rmb 1 processor speed: 0= 1 Mhz, 1= 2 Mhz
a_speed rmb 1 async speed
h_speed rmb 1 (* 300) baud on hdlc
u_txdly rmb 1 tx start delay (* 10 ms)
u_pers rmb 1 persistence parameter
u_slot rmb 1 slot time delay (* 10 ms)
u_tail rmb 1 tx tail hold time (* 10 ms)
c_txdly rmb 2 count value for txdelay
c_slot rmb 2 count value for slot delay
c_tail rmb 2 count value for tail delay
cdval rmb 1 last CD status value (CD on)
fxflag rmb 1 0 = hdx, 1 = fdx
rand rmb 1 pseudo-random value (0 <= rand <= 255)
savhc rmb 1 last hdlc command saved here
svhir rmb 1 HDLC interrupt status saved here
temp rmb 2
tempih rmb 1 temp used by interrupt handler only
upper_t rmb 1 upper 8 bits of 24 bit timer
xmtok rmb 1 xmit flag: 0= rcv, +1= xmit ok, -1= xmit
bdblk rmb 1 set if current block is "bad"
* interrupt routine state information - initial values set
ARCV rmb 2 acia receiver state
AXMIT rmb 2 acia transmitter state
HRCV rmb 2 hdlc receiver state
HXMIT rmb 2 hdlc transmitter state
TIMACT rmb 2 timer action state (after counted to zero)
* i/o buffers
* this is a circular buffer system, with the buffer extending from
* [FIRST] to [LIMIT-1]. IN is the real data in pointer. When the
* block is accepted, AIN is updated to the value of IN.
FIRST equ 0 pointer offsets for buffer header
IN equ 2
AIN equ 4 accepted data, IN pointer
OUT equ 6
LIMIT equ 8
cmdsize equ 20 buffer for kiss control commands
command rmb 10 cmdbuf,cmdbuf,cmdbuf,cmdbuf,cmdbuf+cmdsize
* buffer from acia to hdlc
abufh rmb 10 inbufend,inbufend,inbufend,inbufend,ram0end
* buffer from hdlc to acia
hbufa rmb 10 inbuffer,inbuffer,inbuffer,inbuffer,inbufend
cmdbuf rmb cmdsize command buffer here, others at end of memory
inbuffer rmb 2049
inbufend equ *
org $FFF2 Interrupt vector list
fdb jswi3
fdb jswi2
fdb jfirq
fdb jirq
fdb jswi
fdb jnmi
fdb main
org 0 Interrupt vector indirect area
iswi3 rmb 2
iswi2 rmb 2
ifirq rmb 2
iirq rmb 2
iswi rmb 2
inmi rmb 2
org $f800
initv2 fcb 0 processor speed: 0= 1 Mhz, 1= 2 Mhz
fcb 12 async port speed
fcb 4 (* 300) baud on hdlc
fcb 30 tx start delay (* 10 ms)
fcb 64 persistence parameter (p=.25)
fcb 10 slot time delay (* 10 ms)
fcb 4 tx tail hold time (* 10 ms)
fdb 0 count value for txdelay
fdb 0 count value for slot delay
fdb 0 count value for tail delay
fcb CD last CD status value (CD on)
fcb 0 0 = hdx, 1 = fdx
fcb 0 pseudo-random value (0 <= rand <= 255)
fcb 0 last hdlc command saved here
fcb 0 HDLC interrupt status saved here
fdb 0
fcb 0 temp used by interrupt handler only
fcb 0 upper 8 bits of 24 bit timer
fcb 0 xmit flag: 0= rcv, +1= xmit ok, -1= xmit
fcb 0 bad frame flag
* interrupt routine state information - initial values set
fdb await acia receiver state
fdb asend acia transmitter state
fdb hkillb hdlc receiver state
fdb hsend hdlc transmitter state
fdb 0 timer action state (after counted to zero)
* i/o buffers
* this is a circular buffer system, with the buffer extending from
* [FIRST] to [LIMIT-1]. IN is the real data in pointer. When the
* block is accepted, AIN is updated to the value of IN.
FDB cmdbuf,cmdbuf,cmdbuf,cmdbuf,cmdbuf+cmdsize
* buffer from acia to hdlc
FDB inbufend,inbufend,inbufend,inbufend,ram0end
* buffer from hdlc to acia
FDB inbuffer,inbuffer,inbuffer,inbuffer,inbufend
inite2 equ *
initl2 equ inite2-initv2
* next are buffer pointers if extra ram is installed.
initv3 equ *
* buffer from acia to hdlc
FDB inbuffer,inbuffer,inbuffer,inbuffer,ram0end
* buffer from hdlc to acia
FDB ram1,ram1,ram1,ram1,ram1end
inite3 equ *
initl3 equ inite3-initv3
* interrupt re-vector area: parallel to fff0-ffff
jswi3 jmp [iswi3]
jswi2 jmp [iswi2]
jfirq jmp [ifirq]
jirq jmp [iirq]
jswi jmp [iswi]
jnmi jmp [inmi]
* Initialize values for low core.
* They MUST match the values they replace..
initv1 fdb main 0000
fdb main 0002
fdb main 0004
fdb action 0006
fdb main 0008
fdb main 000A - last vector used
inite1 equ *
initl1 equ inite1-initv1
*** Main program
* First copy a default parameter block to ram.
* Next setup our devices.
* Finaly start playing and KISS.
setdp $01
main orcc #$50 turn off interrupts (FIRQ + IRQ)
lda #1
tfr A,DP set base page register to our variables
lds #stack set stack to our local stack
* move default values to low core !?????
ldx #$0000 desitination
ldy #initv1
ldb #initl1
l_ini1 lda 0,y+
sta 0,x+
dec b
bne l_ini1
ldx #$0100
ldy #initv2
ldb #initl2
l_ini2 lda 0,y+
sta 0,x+
dec b
bne l_ini2
* test if extra ram is available
ldd #$aa55
std ram1
lda ram1
cmp a #$aa
bne main1 not there
lda ram1+1
cmp a #$55
bne main1 faultly memory..
* move large buffer pointers to low core
ldx #abufh
ldy #initv3
ldb #initl3
l_ini3 lda 0,y+
sta 0,x+
dec b
bne l_ini3
* reset and disable UART
main1 lda a_speed initialize from preset data
sta acstat reset device
ora #$10 8 bit word, 1 stop, intern clock
sta acctrl
lda #ac_dis turn off receiver, set RTS only
sta accmnd
* reset 6520 Not used by this program
sta pcra disable pia-A
sta pcrb disable pia-B
* reset 6522 NOVROM is not used, only timers are used
lda #h_reset
sta vpcr clear CA2 to reset HDLC chip
lda #t_cntl
sta vacr reset 6522 timer and shift register
lda #$f0
sta vora set A output bits to '1'
sta vddra turning off NOVROM access
lda #$bf
sta vorb set B output bits to '1'
sta vddrb driving NOVROM address to all 1's
lda #$7f
sta vier disable all 6522 interrupts
sta vifr clear all 6522 interrupts
lda #h_oper clear HDLC reset bit, operate mode
sta vpcr reset 6522 control modes (CB2=1, CA2=1)
* preset
jsr setdelay compute delay counter values
lda #CD pretend CD set upon entry
sta cdval
* setup hdlc chip
* first, wait for at least 2.5 TC cycles...
ldb #3*32 2.5 to 3 cycles
pw_0 lda vorb
bmi pw_0 wait for 0
pw_1 lda vorb
bpl pw_1 wait for 1 (1/2 cycle)
bne pw_0
sta savhc
sta hcr3 no transmit residue
sta hcr2 8-bit characters, no address comp
lda #ac_xmt turn on acia, set RTS
sta accmnd
lda #FEND Send a first byte out
sta acchar to start this ballgame
pw_2 lda #rcvon start hdlc receiver
tst fxflag
beq hdon half duplex
ldb #fflags turn on auto-flag
stb hcr2
ldx #hfdxs
stx HXMIT state to begin full duplex ops
ldb #1
stb xmtok transmit is always ok
ora #actptt activate ptt
hdon sta savhc
sta hcr1
jsr hdsc check current CD state
*** Main loop, non-interrupt mode
loop ldy #command look for commands
jsr getbuf
bne lpax no command
cmpa #FESC
bne lp_b Not an escaped char
jsr getbuf get escaped char
cmpa #TFEND is a FEND escaped ?
bne lp_a
ldb #FEND
bra lp_b
lp_a cmpa #TFESC
bne lp_b escape sequence error leave b as is.
ldb #FESC
lp_b jsr getbuf get second command byte
cmpa #FESC
bne lp_d Not an escaped char
jsr getbuf get escaped char
cmpa #TFEND is a FEND escaped ?
bne lp_c
lda #FEND
bra lp_d
lp_c cmpa #TFESC
bne lp_d escape sequence error leave b as is.
lda #FESC
lp_d sta temp
jsr getbuf must be FEND
cmpa #FEND
bne badcmd bad command, kill it
lda temp
lp_1 decb tx delay
bne lp_2
sta u_txdly
bra recomp recompute delays
lp_2 decb persistence
bne lp_3
sta u_pers
bra lpax
lp_3 decb slot time
bne lp_4
sta u_slot
bra recomp
lp_4 decb tx tail
bne lp_5
sta u_tail
bra recomp
lp_5 decb hdx/fdx
bne lp_6
cmpa fxflag is this a change?
beq lp_6 no
sta fxflag
jmp pw_2 jump to full / half check.
lp_6 decb baud rate and processor speed
bne lpax ..unrecognized
anda #$7f baud rate
sta h_speed
lda temp
anda #$80 for TNC1 - fast processor flag
sta p_speed
recomp jsr setdelay recompute delays and baud rate
bra lpax
badcmd jsr getbuf purge command buffer
bne lpax buffer empty
cmpa #FEND
bne badcmd
* if the acia is idle, but with interrupts enabled, the TXempty bit is 0
* so we can't check that...
lpax lda accmnd is acia transmitter running
cmpa #ac_xmt
beq lpah yes
ldy #hbufa is there data to send
ldx AIN,Y
cpx OUT,Y
beq lpah no
sei turn off interrupts
lda accmnd
cmpa #ac_xmt
beq lpac cant start if acia running
jsr [AXMIT] start the acia transmitter
lpac cli turn on interrupts
* check for transmit data to HDLC line in a similar fashion
lpah tst xmtok OK to go?
ble lplp no
ldy #abufh
ldx AIN,Y is there data to send
cpx OUT,Y
beq lplp no
sei repeat test with interrupts off
tst xmtok
ble lpnh
ldy #abufh
ldx AIN,Y
cpx OUT,Y
beq lpnh
jsr [HXMIT] start the hdlc transmit process
lpnh cli turn interrupts back on
lplp jmp loop
*** Interrupt Handler - main code
action lda acstat first check for acia activity
bpl chkh none, check hdlc
bita #as_rdr is there any receive data
beq chkax no, check transmit
jsr [ARCV] acia receive action
lda acstat
bpl chkh no transmit action
chkax bita #as_xmt is transmitter empty
beq chkh no
jsr [AXMIT] acia transmitter action
chkh lda hir HDLC interrupt register
bita #intrq
bne chkh_1 upper bits are significant
anda #drqo+drqi only data bits are significant
beq cktim nothing, check timer
chkh_1 sta svhir save it, since chip is now reset
bita #drqi+reom+reomerr is there receiver status
beq chkhx no receive action
jsr [HRCV] perform receiver action
lda svhir
chkhx bita #drqo+xcom+xcomerr is there transmitter status
beq chkhs no transmitter action
jsr [HXMIT] perform transmitter action
lda svhir
chkhs bita #dscchg data set change
beq cktim none, check timer
jsr hdsc perform data set change action
cktim lda vifr 6522 interrupt flag register
bpl xint no timer interrupt
jsr dotime handle timer
xint rti exit interrupt main loop
*** Interrupt Action Routines
*** ACIA receiver actions
gowait ldy #ARCV
jsr xstate
await equ * State - wait for FEND
ldb acchar read character
bita #as_err check for receiver errors
bne cstate yes, continue waiting (same state)
cmpb #FEND is this the start of a frame
bne cstate no, continue waiting (same state)
agetcom ldy #ARCV get block type byte
jsr xstate step state
ldb acchar read command character
bita #as_err check for receiver errors
bne gowait yes, resync on FEND
tstb is command 00
beq agetdat yes, get data
dea nop
cmpb #FEND extra FEND?
beq cstate yes, ignore it (stay in this state)
ldy #command
jsr putbuf
bne gowait putbuf failed, ignore command, sorry!
abldcmd ldy #ARCV build command
jsr xstate
ldy #command command buffer area
bra abuild
cstate rts stay in current state
agetdat ldy #ARCV get data
jsr xstate
ldy #abufh data buffer area
abuild ldb acchar read next byte
bita #as_err check for receiver errors
bne adumpc yes, dump data gathered so far
jsr putbuf add byte to buffer
bne adumpc putbuf failed, dump data
cmpa #FEND last byte?
bne cstate no, continue to gather data
ldx IN,Y accept data
stx AIN,Y
bra agetcom next byte should be command again
adumpc ldx AIN,Y dump accumulation of data
stx IN,Y
cmpa #FEND was failure on last byte
bne gowait no, wait for FEND
bra agetcom yes, get command again
*** ACIA transmitter actions
axsend ldy #AXMIT
jsr xstate
asend equ * Transmitter active on entry
ldy #hbufa
jsr getbuf get next character to send to host
bne axnone none, turn off transmit
sta acchar send the char
rts stay in this state
axnone lda #ac_enb turn off transmit interrupts
sta accmnd
ldy #AXMIT
jsr xstate
ldy #hbufa attempt to restart transmitter
jsr getbuf
bne cstate no character, dont start
ldb #ac_xmt re-enable interrupt
stb accmnd
sta acchar send the character
bra axsend flip to other state
*** HDLC receive actions
hkillb ldy #hbufa kill receive block
ldx AIN,Y
stx IN,Y
* initialize the header for KISS frame
gohrec lda #FEND Frame delimiter first
jsr putbuf
clra next byte indicates DATA block
sta bdblk clear bad block flag
jsr hputbuf
ldy #HRCV
jsr xstate
hrec equ * receive characters here
bita #drqi do we have a character
beq hrckend no, check end cases
ldy #hbufa receive buffer
lda hrhr receive character
cmpa #FEND check special cases
beq hrec_1
cmpa #FESC
bne hrec_2 ordinary character
ldb #TFESC
bra hrec_1a
hrec_1 ldb #TFEND
hrec_1a lda #FESC
jsr hputbuf put character in buffer
hrec_2 jsr hputbuf put character in buffer
lda svhir
bita #reom was this also end of message
bne hreom
bita #reomerr was this also an error end
bne hkillb
rts continue (stay in this state)
hrckend bita #reom normal end
beq hkillb no, kill receive block
* The WD chip has read in the bcc before giving us the eom indication.
* We must back over it
hreom ldy #hbufa
jsr back2 back up 2 characters
bne hkillb (system) error in backing
lda #FEND
jsr hputbuf
tst bdblk check for a valide frame (no errors)
bne hkillb buffer full
ldx IN,Y accept data
stx AIN,Y
bra gohrec set to receive next block
*** HDLC transmit actions
gohsend ldy #HXMIT
jsr xstate
hsend equ * initial transmit state
lda #-1 signal transmit active
sta xmtok
tst fxflag is this full duplex
bne hstart yes, start sending immediately
lda savhc
anda #NOT-actrcv turn off receiver if half duplex
sta savhc
lda #2
sta bdblk abort any partial block received
ldx c_txdly pre-xmit delay
beq hstart no delay
clra pre-start, send zeros for sync
coma (this gives faster DPLL lockup)
sta hthr
lda #h_data send data
jsr setcr1
ldd c_txdly start timer
ldx #hset1
jsr settime
ldy #HXMIT pre-start state, just send more zeros
jsr xstate
bita #drqo check for normal entry
lbeq hxabt abort, abnormal termination
sta hthr send another zero
rts stay in this state until timer runs out
hset1 ldx #hstart Timer action: start block
hstart ldy #abufh
jsr getbuf get first character of frame
sta hthr this prevents DRQO interrupts...
tst fxflag is this full duplex
bne hsdat yes, can go immediately
lda #h_flag if half duplex, send leading flag
bra hsgo
hfdxs lda #-1 initial full duplex start
sta xmtok
lda savhc
ora #actran turn on transmitter..
sta savhc
sta hcr1
bra hsendc wait for DRQO and start
hendf lda #h_fcs send fcs + done
bra hxab_E
hfcs jsr getbuf is there another frame
bne hendf no
cmpa #FEND is this a null frame
beq hfcs yes, skip it
sta hthr load first character of next frame..
lda #h_fcs
hsgo jsr setcr1 send flag or fcs before frame
ldy #HXMIT
jsr xstate set next state
bita #xcom
beq hxabt abort on error
hsdat lda #h_data put us into data mode for frame
jsr setcr1 (first character goes now...)
ldy #HXMIT
jsr xstate
hscont ldy #abufh
jsr getbuf get next character
bne hxab_H out of data, without FEND (internal error)
cmpa #FESC escape
bne hsenda ordinary character
jsr getbuf get character following FESC
lda #FEND
cmpb #TFEND
beq hsendb
lda #FESC these are all of the cases (today)
cmpb #TFESC
beq hsendb
tba recover character, invalid escape
hsenda cmpa #FEND
beq hfcs done, send fcs
hsendb coma
sta hthr send character
hsendc ldy #HXMIT
jsr xstate set next state
bita #xcomerr error sending
beq hscont continue if no error
hxabt ldy #abufh error sending, scrap entire message
hxab_1 jsr getbuf
bne hxab_H
cmpa #FEND
bne hxab_1
hxab_H lda #h_abort
hxab_E jsr setcr1 send the abort or fcs at end
ldy #HXMIT
jsr xstate
ldd c_tail post-xmit timer
beq hxdone no waiting
ldx #hxdone
jsr settime start tail timer
ldy #HXMIT
jsr xstate
sta hthr make DRQO interrupts go away
rts return - no interrupts until timer done
hxdone lda #1 not transmitting
sta xmtok
tst fxflag full duplex?
bne hxd_1 yes, don't turn off ptt
lda savhc
anda #NOT-actran-actptt turn off transmitter
ora #actrcv turn on receiver
sta savhc
sta hcr1
clr xmtok receiving flag
lda #CD
sta cdval re-examine CD state
bsr hdsc
hxd_1 jmp gohsend return to starting state
*** Carrier-sense change handler
hdsc lda hsr read status register
tst fxflag are we full duplex?
bne hdrts yes, no action needed
anda #CD look at CD bit
cmpa cdval compare with saved value
beq hdrts same, no action
sta cdval save new value
beq hdsoff now off
hdson tst xmtok hdx - are we transmitting now?
bmi hdrts yes, will turn on at end of xmit
clr xmtok set state to receiving
lda #v_int
sta vier disable timer2 interrupt, if active
ldd timer2
hdrts rts return
hdsoff tst xmtok are we transmiting?
bne hdrts yes, if half duplex this is false indication
bra pwait always wait 1 slot time at least...
persist jsr getran get a random number
cmpb u_pers compare against persistence value
bls setxok ok to transmit
pwait ldd c_slot no, wait 'slot' time and retry
ldx #persist
bra settime start timer
setxok lda #1 ok to transmit now
sta xmtok
*** Timer handling
dotime ldd timer2 clear timer interrupt and read timer
tst upper_t
beq tdone timer expired
dec upper_t
bne dot_1 correct for nn00 to (nn-1)ff
dot_1 std timer2 reenable interrupt
rts done with timer
tdone lda #v_int timer2 interrupt bit
sta vier disable interrupt
lda timer2
jmp [TIMACT] do timer action
*** Interrupt Support Subroutines
* SETCR1 - set type of transmit in hcr1 - done often
* entry: A = new data/flag/abort type to set
setcr1 sta tempih
lda savhc
anda #h_MASK
ora tempih
sta savhc
sta hcr1
* SETTIME - start timer with specified action
* entry: D = upper 16 bits of 24 bit timer value
* X = location of timer action routine
settime stx TIMACT store action address
sta upper_t upper 8 bit of timer value
tstb is timer value 0 mod 65536
bne sett_1 no
dec upper_t yes, tick over one count
bmi tdone all zero count, finish immediately
comb set D = $ffff
sett_1 std timer2 start timer with residual mod 65536
lda #vs_int enable timer2 interrupt
sta vier
* XSTATE - set new state for interrupt task
* entry: address of state jump word in Y
xstate puls X get return address into X
stx 0,Y save it as state address
rts return to state caller
*** General Subroutines
* GETBUF, PUTBUF - handle getting or putting characters from/to buffers
* entry: buffer head address in Y
* exit: zero flag set if all is well, NZ otherwise (overflow or empty)
getbuf ldx OUT,Y get the OUT pointer
cpx AIN,Y check for data present
beq nobuf no data, set NZ and exit
lda 0,X get the data
bsr incbuf increment pointer value
stx OUT,Y new pointer
yesbuf orcc #CCZ set Z flag
putbuf ldx IN,Y get the IN pointer
tfr X,U save it in a convenient place
bsr incbuf next value of IN
cpx OUT,Y is the buffer full
beq nobuf yes, operation fails
sta 0,U no, store the data
stx IN,Y new pointer
bra yesbuf
nobuf andcc #CCNZ clear Z flag
incbuf inx increment pointer
cpx LIMIT,Y at limit
bne incrts no
ldx FIRST,Y yes, wrap to first
incrts rts
* HPUTBUF - like putbuf, but sets bdblk if put failed
hputbuf bsr putbuf go put in buffer
beq hputrts OK just return
lda #1 abort frame flag
sta bdblk
hputrts rts
* BACK2 - back up in buffer -- used to back up over bcc received
* entry: buffer head address in Y
* A good block should leave at least 2 data characters plus the bcc
* in the buffer. The backup algorithm takes advantage of this
* when over-backing to check for FESC
back2 ldx IN,Y
cpx AIN,Y
beq nobuf whoops.. shouldn't happen (system error)
bsr back1
bne incrts error
bsr back1
bne incrts error
stx IN,Y
bra yesbuf no error
back1 bsr decbuf back up
bne incrts hit old AIN
bsr decbuf
bne incrts
lda 0,X
cmpa #FESC
beq yesbuf 2 back was FESC, so 1 back was escaped
bsr incbuf 1 back was good
bra yesbuf
decbuf cpx FIRST,Y
bne decb_1
decb_1 dex
cpx AIN,Y
bne yesbuf ok, not at AIN
bra nobuf whoops.. shouldn't happen (system error)
* GETRAN - get a random number in B
* uses mixed congruential generator: X' = 21*X + 53
getran lda #21
ldb rand previous value
addb #53
stb rand
* SETDELAY - compute delay values and set baud rate counter
setdelay ldb #36 = 921600 / 256 (* .01 seconds)
tst p_speed is this a fast processor/counter
beq _setd1 no
aslb yes, double the count required
_setd1 stb temp
lda u_txdly units of tx delay
std c_txdly
ldb temp
lda u_slot units of slot delay
std c_slot
ldb temp
lda u_tail units of tx tail delay
std c_tail
tst h_speed speed requested for hdlc
bne _seth1 legal speed requested
lda #4 default to 1200 on error
sta h_speed
_seth1 ldb #96 = 300 baud at fast processor clock
_seth2 inca
subb h_speed
bgt _seth2 divide 96 by multiple of 300 baud desired
tst p_speed now check processor speed
bne _seth3 fast
lsra slow, divide result by 2
_seth3 suba #2 counter always takes 2 more per half cycle
bmi _seth4 too fast, ignore request
std timrc1 store baud rate in timer 1 COUNTER to start it
_seth4 rts
fcc 'TNC-1 KISS firmware WB6ECE, PA0GRI 22 dec 1987'